Carole’s Crafts

As we’re currently unable to have face to face meetings at club we’d like to introduce you to a new online feature called Carole’s Crafts! Usually Carole would be bringing along a new craft project each week for us to do together at club so while we’re all staying at home here’s the next best thing –  a step by step photo guide to what you can do at home to beat the boredom.

Carole Craft, Number 1: Make a Miniature Garden

You will need:

  • Round flower pot dish or container eg. plant pot, biscuit tin, old dinner plate.
  • Foil for a pond (you can use a pie tray, for example, or I used the foil lid off some body butter cream)
  • Soil or compost for the garden base
  • Stones, pebbles, small plants (I think mine are weeds!) and anything you can find.  Please ask parents before chopping off their best plants!  Some of these things could be found on your daily exercise outdoors.
  1. Line dish with soil or compost or both.

2.  Start arranging loosely what will go in your miniature garden and where you want it. I started with the pond and smaller things at the front then leading to larger, taller things at the back.

3.  The stone slightly overlaps the edge of the pond, the green is moss that likes to be kept damp, the flowers are off the lawn (weeds).  They are placed in a top off some fabric conditioner so you could use something similar.

4.  The dry stone wall is made by just laying them on top of each other, like lego bricks when building a house.

This is how it looks from above:

5.  If you want you can find a picture from a magazine and place behind your garden. (For those of you wondering why I didn’t use the tin robin in my final garden design it’s because he looked too big and daft, but it’s better to have a choice).


Carole Craft Number 2: Make a Miniature Seaside


You will need:

  • Plant pot dish or tray, lid, dinner plate or similar
  • Soil or sand
  • Stones, pebbles, shells
  • Dyed wood or bark, dried plants, sticks
  • Foil for stream running into sea

  1.  For this one I taped a picture from a magazine to the back of the dish.

2.  Fill dish with soil or sand, place strip of foil for stream from one side to the other, or use it as the sea.

3. On this one because of the background I have gone from using large items at the front going to smaller ones at the back, to give the idea of distance.

4.  The foil is held down with the stones and pebbles, then just a range of whatever bits and bobs you have found. I used the dry plants and ferns at the sides of the picture to soften the edge of it. The dried plants at the front are old pampas grass.


Here’s my seaside from a seagull’s eye view, see if you can spot the shells I have used. The flowers are cut from my heather plants.

The sky’s the limit, you could draw flowers or trees or cut them out from magazines. You could make a farm plate with farm animals, or design an ice age landscape with dinosaurs or whatever you like.

Whatever you make be sure to send us the pictures so we can enjoy them!