Carole’s cookery – Rhubarb Crumble


  • Fruit of choice – I used 900g of rhubarb (about 6 sticks).
  • 300g self raising flour (you can use plain flour but SR gives a lighter texture)
  • 150g butter
  • Around 50g sugar to sweeten the crumble and sugar to taste to sweeten the rhubarb. Just before the crumble went into the oven I topped the crumble mixture with a sprinkle of brown sugar and porridge oats.

Wash and cut the rhubarb into chunks.

Cook in a little water (around 1 cm in the pan) and sugar to sweeten, until soft.

To make the crumble topping sift flour into a bowl. Using a knife cut the butter into the flour then rub with your fingertips until the mix looks a bit like breadcrumbs. This can get a bit messy!

Add some porridge oats now (or you can add them later). If the mix is a bit too wet just add more flour until you have a crumbly texture.

Strain the rhubarb through a sieve to drain off the excess liquid.

Put the rhubarb into an ovenproof dish.

Place the crumble mixture on top of the fruit, sprinkle with sugar and porridge oats if you wish to. Bake in the oven at 180C for around 30 minutes or until topping is golden brown.

Enjoy hot or cold with custard or cream!