Carole’s Crafts – Pebble Painting and Jar Painting

Painted Pebbles

You Will Need:

  • Pebbles/stones with a flattish surface to paint on
  • Paint pens – I found oil based ones work best – or you could use acrylic paint, permanent markers or nail varnish.

I painted the pebbles with white wall paint to make the colours from the pens more vibrant. The idea for drawing the cats came from a design on some wrapping paper.

I drew round the pebbles onto some paper and then sketched the design on with a pencil so I could perfect my design before drawing it onto my pebble (you could use tracing paper to do this if you wanted to.)

Go over the pencil lines with your paint. I used oil based paint pens, but you can use whatever you have – paints, permanent markers or even nail varnish.

Here are some other designs I made:

For Pac Man I drew around the pebble on plain paper and copied the design my friend had sent me.

I painted the stone in black acrylic paint and left to dry. I then added Pac Man in the middle and worked from there.

With the tortoise stone I again drew the design first in pencil then painted with acrylic paint, letting this dry before adding the pen details. I have a desktop fan which helped the pebbles to dry quicker but a hair dryer on a cool setting will do the same if you can’t wait for the layers of paint to dry naturally.

For this pebble I sketched the design, starting with a dot in the middle and made some segments ready to have dots of nail varnish put on.

Painted Jars or Vase

You Will Need:

  • Permanent markers/paint pens/paints/nail varnish
  • Clean glass jar or vase

The design was inspired by painted pebbles on Pinterest.

I roughly measured the height and width of my jar and cut a piece of paper to fit.  Then I sketched the houses onto this.

Next I put blue tac on the front of the paper and stuck it to the inside of the vase to give me a guide.

I tested the pens on my glass coffee jar and used the same colour pen for all the windows etc and then moved on to the next coloured pens, rather than keep swapping pens. Be careful not to smudge as you work around the vase.

The finished item! I did a small variation adding a castle and a lighthouse.