Carole’s Crafts – Young Carers Story Book

At last week’s Zoom club we played a game where we went round the group saying 2 words each to make a story. What we ended up with was a short, very silly story about a dog with superpowers, who just happened to invent an economical car. One of our Young Carers suggested we design a book cover for this masterpiece for next week’s club and Carole has got some inspiration for you if you want to have a go!

You will need:

  • Pens
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • A box (maybe a cereal packet or an old box file)

I looked online for some cartoon pictures of dogs for ideas then did the same for cars.

I copied the image from the net with a few small changes.

If you’re not comfortable with drawing or just want to do a different option I saw this photo of a dog in a magazine which I thought looked like he was flying – like SuperDog! I cut the car out of some card as I couldn’t find a photo.

I added some trees, seeing as though in our story he eats them! They were made from dyed flowers. I made a hole in the base of the box with scissors and stuck the stick end in.


The drawing was coloured in and stuck on an old box that had sweets in. You could use a shoe box or cover anything you wanted to.

I covered the sides and top of the box and drew lines on it to look like pages.


Then I added a title and who the story was written by.