Carole’s Crafts – Cultivation Update

It’s been 2 weeks since I planted the vegetable seeds. These are the tomato plants that need potting out into deeper pots around 6cm apart – they have grown to 3cm high.

Here you can see they’re still in the old meat container they were first planted in.

With a lot of shops closed I kept some containers from buying flowers or fruit, ready to re-pot plants into.

Because the tomato plants are so small I cut the soil with a knife and used a spoon to lift each on out, a bit like cutting up a tray of chocolate brownies.

All done and watered, 15 plants out of a packet that said it contained around 12!

Next, thinning out the rocket plants. If the container looks like a cat litter tray, well that’s what it is! I hadn’t got anything else suitable. I put some stones in for drainage as I didn’t want to put holes in the litter tray.

Difficult to thin out individual plants, so they are a bit clumpy but have more room to grow than they did. Again after re-potting (or a re-cat-litter-traying) give a light watering. Fingers crossed they will survive!

Update on the carrots: the green bits that I wasn’t sure at first weren’t weeds, are now definitely carrots. If you remember I did them in circles, not rows. Hopefully all will have survived and we can eat them by the time we can meet at club again!